Friday, 18 March 2016

We're Going To New York!

For the boyfriends birthday I decided to treat him to a holiday in New York in May for 5 days (I deserve top girlfriend point right). I will of course blog about my experience. I'm actually thinking about vlogging it. What do you think?

I need your help. If you live or have visited the Big Apple please write your suggestions below on the best places to shop/eat? I've already planned the sightseeing part. 

I want to get the best experience during the short space of time I'm there.

Appreciate your help!


  1. You are definitely getting top girlfriend points for that!! I can recommend the restaurant in Byrant Park and the Odeon ( - apparently this is one of the restaurants from Sex and the City and even though it is a bit pricey we had an amazing dining experience (you need to make a reservation though!) and the dessert was to die for. Other than that there is an amazing flea market in Brooklyn, I can't remember the name but I found a Valentino Jacket for only 70 Dollars. Have fun in NYC! xx

    1. Thank you for your recommendations! I will deffo have a look at the restaurant as Sex in the City is one of my favs. Thank you again xx


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