Wednesday, 28 September 2016

What my boyfriend thinks makeup does

Ages ago I read a post by Jemmas Simple Life called what my boyfriend thinks makeup does and it made me curious to what my boyfriend thinks makeup does. I mean he watches me do it most days and I have actually told him what each product is for. I guess this is more of a if he actually listens to me test haha. 
I didn't show him the products I was asking about as I didn't want him to read it and give it away. Youno because I'm a bitch and like to make things hard for him :)

Primer - 'That primer is the one that highlights your eyes.' (I have no idea what he is actually describing here lol)

Foundation - 'That is just a base for your face isn't it? It gives you a bit of colour in your face and a starting point.'

Concealer - 'Conceals spots, bruises and cuts on your face.' Bruises?! I swear we are not in a domestic violent relationship! 

Contour - 'That brings out the definition in your cheek bones.' He knows this one because I always comment on his cheek bones and wish my contour would make mine look like his.

Powder - 'It sets the makeup on the face.' I gave this one away because he said what you mean powder and I said like setting powder. My bad.

Bronzer - 'Give you like a tan/colour in the certain area that you want it. Put it under the eyes, forehead, chin, cheeks, nose.' UNDER THE EYES!! UNDER THE EYES!! Where did he get this information from.

Blusher - 'It gives it a bit of red colour in your cheeks like your blushing.'

Eyeliner - At this moment he is currently pretend drawing on his eyes to try figure it out. 'I don't know what it does to your eyelashes but I know it goes around there.'

Mascara - Again he is pretend to put it on. 'It goes on your eyelashes. You stroke it on to make them bigger I guess.'

Eye Shadow - 'That what goes on your actual eyelid. It just brings out your eyes makes them look dark and mysterious.' You can kinda guess my fav eye shadow look with this statement!

Eyebrow Pencil - 'If you don't have any eyebrows then you draw your eyebrows on.'

Highlighter - 'There's only so much you can put on your face I don't know what this is. I've said something else what I thought it was. Oh that goes under your eyes I think to bring them out the colour in your eyes.'

Lip liner - 'You draw round the line of your lip to make them bigger.' I told him once I used it to try make them bigger and he hated how it made me look lol.

Lipstick/Lipgloss - 'To put colour on your lips.'

Bonus question

Baking - Face is looking generally confused. 'BAKING! I don't have a fucking clue.' 

So how do you think Joe did? Reading back I've noticed he loves putting things under the eyes haha.


  1. Haha, this was a funny read! He did a pretty good job though!!

    Nicole | The Glam Surge

    1. Not to bad. But some of his answers I seriously have no idea what he was thinking haha x

  2. Oh my goodness, this made me laugh so much!

    1. I'm glad the post went well. Was so unsure! x

  3. Blusher is on point hahah!
    Kathy x

  4. Hahah, this is so funny and cute. Bring us more posts like these.
    I've laughed a lot.
    P.S Would you like to follow each other? Please write about it on my blog!

    1. I would love some suggestions on what kinda posts you would like us to do! x


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