Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Elizavecca Milky Piggy Carbonated Bubble Clay Mask Review

I am a sucker for face masks and a sucker for gimmicks so when I noticed Elizavecca Milky Piggy Carbonated Bubble Clay Mask I couldn't resist. It bubbles up on your face! How can you not want to try it?!

Elizavecca Milky Piggy Carbonated Bubble Clay Mask deeply cleanses as well as removes impurities and dead skin cells. The bubbles stimulate the the skin to get rid of the dead skin to bring out a healthy glow and the clay deep cleanses the pores.

One downside about this product is the fact it isn't in English. Luckily if you just google the product there's plenty of reviews and videos about how to use it but it's pretty straight forward. 

It comes with a little spatula to use when putting the mask on your face. To touch it's odd and bouncy but I like it! Considering you don't need much I would so you could get about 15 - 20 uses. You need to be quick when applying as the bubbling starts within minutes. Make sure you don't put the product to close to your eyes or nostrils otherwise once it bubbles there could be problems!

(Looking like the moon face)

Once on the feeling is so strange. It starts to tingle and you can here the bubbles. The sound reminds me of the rice krispies cereal. It did start to sting around my eyes so like I said before be careful not to apply to close. I left the mask on for 10 minutes and then rubbed the product into my skin and left for a further 5 minutes.

Once washed off, around my eyes were red from the irritations but my skin wasn't sore. Does that make sense? After it died down my skin felt tight and cleansed. I've only used this mask a few times but have never experienced a break out after which has happened with other masks. My mum commented the my face looked healthy and now wants to try the mask for herself.

Elizavecca Milky Piggy Carbonated Bubble Clay Mask is a bit of fun. I enjoy using it and tbh makes me laugh ever time I do. It's really inexpensive and you do get a good few uses out of it and it works! Laughs, cheap and does the job. What more do could you ask for? 

Have you tried this mask yet?


  1. I've been seeing this mask everywhere! It looks so fun, haha. I need to try this! :)

    Nicole | In The Life of NM

    1. I cracked and gave in. Had to try it after watching everyone else lol x

  2. oh my gosh how can you leave it on that long!? after a minute i start freaking out cause it tickles me so bad haha xx

    1. I secretly enjoy the feel haha. I think it's becoming a guilty pleasure! xx


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