Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Instagram accounts you should be following

I think instagram is one of the greatest social media platforms. I use it for makeup inspiration as well as outfits, food, interior design blah blah blah you get my drift. I love finding a new account to follow and I browse till I'm at their very first post. I thought I would share with you a few accounts I have been loving. Some are new, some I've been following for years.

I'm surprised Amy has less that 2000 followers! She's a recent find but I have been loving her makeup looks. I also loved looking at her Halloween looks she came up with. She is just effortlessly beautiful and adorable. I can't wait to see what other looks she comes up with and hopefully watch her grow. She deserves it.

Have you ever struggled to find an outfit whether it was for a night out or just a casual shopping trip? I'm always needing inspo and my mate showed me Charlotte. I love her style and the fact that majority of her items she wears are budget friendly is a bonus because I can actually buy the outfit! You'll never be stuck for outfit ideas again.


Part of me wishes I never came across Lauren's instagram as now all I want to do is bake amazing cupcakes, drink cute cocktails/milkshakes and buy cute homeware. All her pictures are so bright and girly how can you not love them? I'm also obsessed with her blog. She just seems like such a lovely person in generally and you can see this from her photos and posts. 

It was so hard finding what pictures to add as I honestly could of uploaded her whole instagram!


When I first came across Liv I believe she was either 16/17 and I was like wait what! How can she be so beautiful?! I love when she changes up her style with a different wig. I've now considered buying wigs because of her. From her pictures she gives off a fiesty look and if you have a snoop at who I'm following most of the girls give off this look that I'm slightly obsessed with and wish I could pull off. 


I'm going to end this post with someone who is not beauty or fashion related but deserve a spot because he is so talented. I found Shawn on facebook and then had to follow him on insta so I don't miss any new drawings. He's an artist and I am obsessed with his work. His work reminds me of the stuff Tim Burton does. For inktober he did an illness/disorder series. I would wait each day to see what mental illness/disorder he would draw next. I actually learnt about illnesses I had never heard of before because of him.

Please do comment your instagram account. I'm always looking for new accounts to follow and inspire me. If you fancy checking out mine it's @jass_s.

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