Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Powwownow Productivity Event

I was lucky enough to be invited to an event held by Powwownow. The main focus of the evening was ways on how to increase productivity and how nutrition can help with this. Blogging and working full time can take up a lot of my energy to keep to my schedules so of course I was interested on how I can improve my productivity.

The event was held at Megaro Bar in Kings Cross. This was my second event I had ever been to so I was nervous going by myself not knowing who was going to be there. Luckliy it was a small event with about 16 other bloggers so it was easy to mingle and get to know everyone. Like always everyone was super nice and so was the people hosting from Powwownow. Safe to say all nerves went within the first 5 minutes being there. Oh and I guess the open bar helped too!

The very knowledgeable Alice Mackintosh, a London nutritionist from The Food Doctor, shared her advice on what we can be eating to boost productivity. Some advice that I found useful was:

  • Dried fruit is actually really bad when it comes to the amount of sugar that's in them. Nuts are a better choice to snack from
  • You should eat every 3 - 4 hours to prevent low blood sugar
  • If you are going to snack on fruit you should aim to eat kiwis, apples, grapefruit, pears and berries as these have less sugar in them
  • Always peeing every 5 minutes? You need to sip your water instead of gulping to prevent this

Once Alice had finished her presentation it was time for games and food. We was given a list of facts that was about each blogger at the event. We had to match the fact with the blogger. I thought this was a good way to get to know everyone and gave you a chance to chat with everyone. I definitely bonded with a few bloggers because of this game. We was also split into two teams and was given a mini quiz regarding what we had learnt from the night. We was pretty drunk at this point so obviously the only logical team name for us had to be the alcoholics! Oh btw Mac n Cheese balls are now life!! If you haven't tried them you need to.

We was given a goodie bag to say thank you full of stuff that can help us be more productive. How cute are those highlighters! 

Thank you again Powwownow for a great event! I had so much fun and learnt something new too.

Alice Mackintosh links:

Instergram - @Alicemack
Twitter  - @AliceMackintosh

Powwownow are a conference calling service. Their main focus are allowing their clients to be productive regardless of their surrounding and flexible working.

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