Wednesday, 8 March 2017

52 Date Night Ideas

a jar with coloured paper inside and around with date night ideas written on them

I love date night. But we usually end up doing the same thing. Lack of imagination as well a pure laziness on our behalf! That's why I decided to make a date night jar. 
So there is three categories; free, under £30 and best to do on payday. I put 52 different ideas into the jar, one for every week. We pick one at random depending on our financial situation and have to do it that day! I'm really excited to start picking the dates.


Movie night
Make a fort
Games night (board games, cards)
Go camping (we will do it in the back garden)
Make a bonfire
Visit a museum 
Go hiking
Video game night
Be a tourist in your city
Music day (singing, dancing karaoke)
Start a new series together
Go to the beach
Spa day (at home)
Duvet day
Black out day (no electronics)
Visit a new area/city

Under £30

Go to the zoo
Have brunch
Paint/make something
Go on a scavenger hunt
Cook a 3 course meal from scratch
Trampoline park
Go dancing
Order a takeaway
Go berry/vegetable picking
Mini golf
Take a class together
Ghost tour
Do an activity from Groupon
Have afternoon tea
Go to a comedy club
Have a picnic
Play chopped
Escape room
Go to a car boot sale

Should probably do on payday

Spa day (out)
Mini road trip
Go to a restaurant for her choice
Go to a restaurant of his choice
Book a hotel for tonight
Go to the races
Dress up and go for a nice meal/cocktails
Go to an amusement park
Murder mystery dinner/night
Shopping trip
Go to a casino
Day in Paris (ok I know this one is very extreme but we live in London so it is possible!)

If you have any additional date night ideas please let me know!

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