Thursday, 20 April 2017

Recent Reads #7

Choke by Chuck Palahniuk

Victor Mancini is a sex addict. He also works at a dead end job and his mother has Alzheimer's disease which he believes she hiding a secret about who he really is. Her hospital isn't cheap so he has found a way to scam money out of people. Pretend to be choking so someone will save him, feel like a hero and will feel responsible for him. He meets a doctor at the hospital who believes she knows how to cure his mother at a cost...

At the beginning of the book it says 'if you're going to read this, don't bother' and tbh I wish I didn't. I just didn't get this book, I didn't understand it. I was lost majority of the time and I was hoping that when I reached the end I would have some answers. I did but I was still left confused and tbh a little disappointed. The author however wrote the book fight club. I've never read the book but seen the film and I had to watch that a few times and get my mum to explain it to me until I understood it. So maybe that's just the style of this author that I'm just not in to. Apparently this is being made into a film and I would go watch it to see if I understand it after!

(This book was sent to me by the lovely Charlene. She has set up a #beechat book swap group. It's a great way to swap books and maybe read something you wouldn't usually pick up. If you would like to join let me know in the comments below.)

With Malice by Eileen Cook

With Malice by Eileen Cook

Jill wakes up in a hospital bed and cannot remember the last 6 weeks. She finds out that she was in a fatal car accident while on a school trip to Italy. She also finds out that she needs a lawyer because of this accident as well as the press being involved. Could this accident really be an accident?

I really enjoyed this book. Read it in two days because I couldn't put it down! It isn't a seriously intense book and was easy to follow however the twists and turns do keep you wanting more. I did feel for Jill at certain parts of the book and loved her room mate character. Great book that I'm making Joe read it!

Snap Cackle and Pop by Carole Kearny

Cathy was living the dream until her dreams came crashing down when her husband said he was leaving her and she was forced to live back with her parents. Not how she expected her life to be at 54. Things take a turn for the worse for Cathy and it doesn't look like the future will get any brighter.

I wasn't a fan of this book. I felt like there was a massive part of the book that was unneeded and just seemed to go on with no point to it. Certain things were repeated also that I found a tad annoying. And unfortunately I just couldn't connect with Cathy and found her slightly annoying. However, when I checked the reviews they were all really positive. Maybe I'm just a little to young for this book and that's why I didn't enjoy it as much. 

Diary of an Oxygen Thief by Anonymous

Diary of an Oxygen Thief by Anonymous

Hurt people hurt people. Say there was a novel in which Holden Caulfield was an alcoholic and Lolita was a photographer's assistant and, somehow, they met in Bright Lights, Big City. He's blinded by love. She by ambition. Diary of an Oxygen Thief is an honest, hilarious, and heartrending novel, but above all, a very realistic account of what we do to each other and what we allow to have done to us.

I was slightly disappointed in this book. Not because it was bad but because it wasn't what I thought it was. I saw this book floating around on twitter and I assumed it was basically a book going in to depth about why the author treated women how he did and how it made him feel. That was only a small part of the book and the rest he was just moaning constantly. The book was ok however I did get slightly confused at parts. Sadly because it wasn't what I was hoping the book was about I didn't enjoy it as much.

What books have you enjoyed reading recently?

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