Thursday, 27 December 2018

F*ck it it's Christmas

F*ck it it's Christmas is my go to excuse to just do anything during December. I'm pretty sure it is most peoples! I'm hoping it is anyways to make myself feel better.

Have I checked my bank balance? No. Is my body mentally prepared for the amount of alcohol I will be consuming? No. Am I going to agree to every plan that is suggested to me? Absolutely, chuck me my Santa hat!

No but seriously my motives during December is usually the pub and due to having no will power I am there within 5 minutes of my mates asking. Maybe that should be a New Year’s resolution. Stop being a yes man! However because I want to get there as soon as possible I don't want to be thinking to much into my outfit. I literally just want to throw something on and be good to go. But I still need to look good obviously! 

I was lucky enough to be contacted by Femme Luxe to pick out some dresses from their dresses collection. Perfect opportunity to look glam for my many pub visits.

grey wool dress femme luxe

As am writing this post I'm currently wearing this at work. Yes I blog at work when I have a few spare mins. I can confirm this dress is so cosy and warm. The material is not itchy and I have sensitive skin  I love the slight V neck to add a slight something something as you know me I have to slut it up somehow! I got the dress is a size S/M and would of preferred it to be just a tad tighter. Saying that the dress does still show off your figure nicely. This was my mums fav out of the bunch.

Green dress femme luxe

When picking out the dresses this is the one I liked the least. I usually go for something figure hugging but wanted an outfit for when I'm feeling bleh, hungover and bloated. Turns out this is my favourite one! Of course you could wear it with a belt if you wanted but I actually like how over-sized it is. Can comfortably eat and drink as much as I want and no one will see my food baby! But keep in mind if you are dancing and raise your arms. Butt cheeks are JUST about covered. Again I got this is a size S/M.

black wool dress femme luxe

So this dress is basically a dress and scarf in one! I mean what more do you need?! Slightly shorter than the grey dress however it doesn't rise up when you walk so your bum cheeks are safe from exposure. I love my figure shape in this outfit and is so warm that I won't need to complain when I'm standing in the smoking area trying to be social. Again I will repeat myself one more time and say I got this in a size S/M and the material was not itchy at all.

This is the first time trying anything from Femme Luxe and so far I'm impressed. All dresses were true to size, good material, affordable and I looked hot. Everything I look for. I will be returning to their site to see what their other items will be like.

*The above items were sent to me however all opinions are my own.

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