Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Superdrug Detoxifying Dead Sea Mineral Mask - The face mask that saved my face

I know the title may seem a little extreme but at the time this is exactly how I felt. I never usually get breakouts but due to stress I had loads of little ones everywhere. I tried everything that I could find. Nothing seemed to make them go down let alone go away. I had a snoop through my face mask collection and found Superdrug Detoxifying Dead Sea Mineral Mask. 

This mask claims to give a clearer, more vibrant complexion. Exactly what I needed. I covered my face with the thick product at night while in the bath and left it for 15 minutes. Once off my face my skin did feel softer however the spots were clearly still visible. Give it time I told myself.

The next morning I rushed to the mirror and I was shocked. My spots had practically gone and the ones the were left were barely visible. I waited until the next day in case new ones decided to appear but nothing!

I have now stocked up on Superdrug Detoxifying Dead Sea Mineral Mask in case another breakout should occur. I have sensitive skin and this worked fine for me. For 99p you really can't go wrong!

What masks have saved your face?


  1. I love the Superdrug face masks. My favourite is the De-stressing Mud Mask, it smells amazing but after I've applied it and wait for it to dry, I tend to get the giggles. It's never happened with any other face mask before just this one.

    Sabah ||


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