Friday, 20 May 2016

Boohoo Haul

I love Boohoo and think it is great value for your money. It's websites like these where I wish they had a shop but I don't think my bank balance would like that!

Apologies in advance for the creases. I have been in a slump recently but still wanted to get posts out but the thought of ironing just made me want to cry lol.

Sophia Slim Fit Denim Dungarees

So the main reason for this shop was because I had the urge to buy dungarees. I had an outfit pop into my head and I had to recreate it. These fit great on the legs and bum area but is just a tad to loose on the top. However, all it needs is an extra whole for the button and it will be fine.

Nicola Short Sleeve Crop Top

This is to put underneath the dungarees. I think plain crop tops are great for summer that you can just throw on and it will go with anything.

Khloe MA1 Bomber Jacket


I've always wanted a bomber jacket. Finally decided to get one but now I'm not to sure if I like it. It fits perfectly on length wise and on the arms but I just feel like it's a tad to poofy. Does that make sense? I feel like a security guard. Maybe it will look different when I try it on properly with an outfit and makeup.

Lola Pocket Back High Waist Disco Pants

I used to live in disco pants until one day my fat ass ripped them! The pockets are poorly done on these so will have to fix that but I know I will get a lot of wear out of them.

Amy Basic Wrap Front Bodysuit

I love bodysuits although my boyfriend refers to them as nappies! With my trusty push up bra my boobs look great in this! I feel like this will be good item to dress up or down.

Laura Ripped Knee High Waist Skinny Jeans

I was shocked when I realised I didn't own any ripped jeans yet I love the look of them. Does anyone else have the problems where their waist, thighs and bum are all different sizes so high waisted jeans are a nightmare? I should have properly got this in the next size up but after a bit of wiggling and buttoned up it fitted fine.

Dark Circle Gel Eye Patches

I have been obsessed with eye patches and hopefully these will work on my dark circles!

Have you been shopping at Boohoo recently?

(Pictures were either taken by me or are from the Boohoo website and are linked to the website they came from).


  1. Everything looks amazing! Nice clothes! Do you want to be friends with me on bloglovin? If yes, just follow me and I'll follow your blog back ASAP!<3


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