Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Why I started blogging

'Why did you start blogging?' I think is a question all bloggers have been asked once in their lifetime. I have often been asked this question and although my usual reply is 'it's just a bit of fun' that isn't the real reason why I started...

You see there are two main reasons to why I started. One being because I had a lot of spare time that I wanted to fill up doing something productive instead of mindlessly watching TV. My mind was controlling me and I needed to escape, I needed my own little place where I could just be me. Be able to write about everything and anything. 
I'm not a pro at anything. Beauty, cooking, DIY however I do enjoy all of those subjects and more. That's the reason why I'm a lifestyle blogger. I don't think you should have to have a degree to be able to blog about it. I mean it helps, obviously, but I don't think it is necessary if you want to start blogging. I try different products, I attempt different meals, I visit different places and I enjoy doing them all so why not write about it and share my love for these things?

My second reason is the reason why I have so much free time. I only have a handful of friends. That's not a bad thing and I love the friends I have but we don't have that much in common. You see at school I had a rough time and left with 2 friends that I've stayed in touch with. The subjects I studied at college were manly guys in the class and I've made friends through my past relationship but that's it. 

How do you make new girl friends in your 20s? It's a question I have asked myself many times and my only answer I could come up with is when I have children lol. Don't think that is a good enough reason to have kids so then I thought about blogging. I would be in a world where I'd be speaking to like minded people, people who had the same interests as me. I used to read about bloggers going to meet ups and events and thought I want to be part of that community.

Since my time blogging I have spoken to many of you and have been enjoying every bit of it. Everyone is supportive, friendly and caring. Great for my confidence as it has been at an all time low. I can't wait to go to my first bloggers event, (#BigBloggerExpo btw. Let me know if you are going too), and meet some of you amazing people in person.

This post started off as a 'why I started blogging' but is more of a thank you. Thank you all for just being you. For making the blogging community a great place for people. You have made my blogging experience a joy and I can't wait for many more years to come.

Why did you start blogging?


  1. Great post Jasmine! I started blogging due to similar reasons to you. Too much spare time, and I wanted to speak to like-minded people.

    Lauren | Lauren the Daydreamer

    1. I've noticed that speaking to like minded people has been a main reason for many bloggers x

  2. I love reading posts like this, seeing the reasons for people to start blogging is really fascinating! I had a couple of really tough years with a close family member battling cancer and had no escape, I was trying to find my identity again and that's when I discovered blogging! I wrote a post on why I started blogging if you wanted to check it out!

    ~Katie xo

    1. I'm sorry to hear that you had some tough years. I'm glad that blogging has helped you! I'll go read your post now x

  3. Great post Jasmine! I started blogging for two main reasons - first, I LOVE writing, it's super relaxing. Second, like Katie, it helped me get through some tough stuff. Also, cheeky bonus of blogging is the awesome blogging community!

    Dani |

    1. I'm glad to hear that blogging has helped so many people though tough times. I feel like the community is so supportive and are like friends you've had for years x

  4. Your second reason is actually adorable and really warms my heart. I'm glad blogging has been such a good move for you <3

    Katie |

  5. I started blogging as a way to restart myself, nobody knew who I was in the blogging world, people saw me for who I was and not what people have said about it! I didn't start a blog to improve my confidence, but that's one of the reasons I carried it on, I can't even explain how much I've grew from it! I've made amazing friends and now, like you, have something to do with the buckets of free time I have!
    Clo x


    1. Aww babe I totally understand what you mean about restarting yourself. It's always frustrating when people already have an image of you from what they've heard! Blogging it's such a great way to pass the time, learn and meet great people I think xx


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