Sunday, 11 December 2016

10 Things I love about Christmas

a mini christmas tree next to a toy penguin and lights

IT'S DECEMBER!! Which means it is totally acceptable to do anything Christmas related. I love Christmas, I love everything about it. I start becoming Christmas obsessed from like September. Yeah I know, I'm one of those guys. 
I thought it would be fun to share with you my favourite things about Christmas and what makes it special to me.

  • Buying gifts for people. When I was younger I couldn't wait to see what Santa got me but now I love buying for other people and seeing their faces as they open up my present for them.
  • Decorating the tree together. We always make sure we are all in to do it together. I'm a girl that likes to stick to tradition.
  • The food! My dad is a serious Grinch when it comes to cooking the Christmas dinner but he always goes the extra mile and makes a serious feast that is mouth watering. Seriously guys come round mine for Christmas dinner and see for yourself. Food I also can't wait for is swede mash because it's the only time we have it and a good cheese board!
  • Board games mixed with alcohol and party food. 
  • Elf. Do I really need to say anymore?
  • Dressing up on Christmas day for the family picture around the table. I've already decided on my Christmas Outfit/look.
  • Christmas crackers. We still get the tacky ones where the prize everyone wants to gets is the bottle opener! lol.
  • Boxing day sales. Online though. Cannot deal with the pushing, shoving and long lines in the shops. I can just do it in the comfort of my new pyjamas at home.
  • Wearing red lipstick all day every day.
  • Making memories that will last a lifetime. 

I cannot wait to have my own place and own little family when it comes to Christmas. Watch this space in a few years time and I'll be that crazy Christmas lady with all the house decorations!

What do you love about Christmas?


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