Thursday, 30 March 2017

The Perfect Pout?

Perfect pout with lip products around it

If only there was a way to get plump juicy lips without having to go through lip fillers. Well I've searched, I've tried and I think I have found the device to get the perfect pout.
This isn't the first time I went searching for something that would help me achieve the lips I wanted. I tried BioLips and that didn't go to plan. However, I tried Perfect Pout* and I think I have found the natural lip plumper for me.

My main worry was bruising. Luckily there was instructions on the box it came in. I positioned the Perfect Pout* in the centre of my lips and sucked so it stayed put. I kept it there for 10 seconds and then removed. Youno just to be on the safe side! I repeated this step until I got to my desired size.


lips before plumping

lips before plumping


lips after plumping

lips after plumping

My lips definitely looked and felt more plumped. My aim was to get my top lip to match my bottom. I really liked to results however you need to be careful when you add a lip product. The results only last a few hours and once I looked in the mirror I noticed it looked liked I had poorly overlined my lips once my lips went back to it's natural size. So remember to carry the Perfect Pout* around with you to top up your lips!


I will be using the Perfect Pout* again when I'm feeling a more pouty look. Is pouty even a word?

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